Working with decals

Working with decals

Working with decals

Decals are non-tiling image maps which you apply directly to objects (instead of indirectly via the object's material.) Decals can be used to represent a variety of visual phenomena, including a painting hung on the wall, labels on jars, printed signs, images on monitors, etc.

NXtRender Decals.jpg

Use the following steps to apply a decal to an object:

  1. Expand the Object Properties tab on the nXt Palette
  2. Select the object
  3. Right-click on the Decals list and select New
  4. Select either Planar or Cylindrical Decal as appropriate
  5. Follow the prompts at the command line (make sure to Accept the decal by pressing Enter when finished)

The decal will appear in the list anytime the object is selected.

To remove a decal from an object:

  1. Expand the Object Properties tab on the nXt Palette
  2. Select the object
  3. Right click on the decal you wish to remove
  4. Select Remove

The decal will no longer appear in the list when the object is selected

To reposition an existing decal:

  1. Expand the Object Properties tab on the nXt Palette
  2. Select the object
  3. Right click on the decal you wish to reposition
  4. Select Edit Position and Orientation
  5. Follow the prompts to reposition (make sure to Accept the decal by pressing Enter when finished)

To change the surface properties of a decal:

  1. Expand the Object Properties tab on the nXt Palette
  2. Select the object
  3. Right click on the decal you wish to edit
  4. Select Properties…

The Decal Properties dialog box will appear allowing you to change many of the surface properties of your decal.

See also

nXtRender Add-ons
