SpaceDesign Curve Length

SpaceDesign Curve Length

SpaceDesign Curve Length is a calculation which allows you to specify a curves and edges in a component for use in area calculations.

Specifying lines to use for areas

Use Layer Name

Place the face in a special layer:

  • If you place a face in the layer _SD_LENGTH within a component or group, it will use that curve or edge line (including scaling) to determine the length of the Component or Group

Precision of curve lengths

The total length is calculated either by adding the individual line segments, or if the curve is formed from arcs, by adding the length of the arcs.

If the curve is stored in a group or component which has been scaled, then the individual line lengths are always added up.

The line lengths can be 0.1% to 1.0% imprecise depending on the number of line segments used to approximate the curve.