Render Display Window

Render Display Window

The Render Display Window is used to display the rendered image and make additional changes to materials and other settings.

IRender display window

Your rendering appears in a separate Window. Model and setting changes are performed in SketchUp. However, some image functions are performed by the toolbar at the top of the rendering window:

  • Save.PNG Save Image - save the current rendering image to file on the disk. See [#File Formats|File Formats]] below.
  • Copy36.png Copy Image - copy the current rendering image to the Windows clipboard.
  • Refresh 36.png Restart Rendering - restart the rendering without loading model changes from SketchUp.
  • Stoprender36.PNG Stop Rendering - stop the current rendering.

Note: the zoom functions only effect the display of the image. They do not change the size or quality of the actual rendered image.

  • Zoomall36.png Zoom All - make the image fit in the window area.
  • Zoom1.PNG One-to-One - display the image at is actual size.

  • Setup36.png Setup - Setup page size - and re-render.
  • Help36.png Statistics - show model and rendering statistics.

The defaults buttons change the lighting defaults and let you re-render.

  • Exterior button36.JPG Exterior defaults
  • Interior daylight button36.JPG Interior w/sun defaults
  • Interior lights button36.png Interior - no sun - defaults
  • Studio button36.png High Dynamic defaults

File Formats

The Save Rendering button allows you to save your rendering to several different image formats. You can save to most formats while a rendering is in progress.

  • .JPG and .PNG - these save your rendering as a high quality image.
  • The Alpha channel versions of the file formats are meant to be used for high-quality composting. Backgrounds will appear black when the rendering is saved with Alpha channel.
  • The .hdr and .exr formats store luminance data directly in a High Dynamic Range format. Non-luminance backgrounds, such as normal photographs, will appear black when saved in one of these formats.
  • The .nXtImage format is the native image format of the nXt renderers. It is the recommended format for storing your renderings, since it preserves the most information about your rendering. Images stored in this format can be manipulated in the nXt Image Editor and special FX can be added. From this editor, you can save to many popular standard formats, including all of the formats supported in nXt. You can also save to Piranesi (.epx) file format. See: NXt Image Editor }

See also