NXtRender Basic Materials Tutorial

nXtRender Basic Materials Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to create materials and use materials from libraries using nXtRender for AutoCAD. (formerly AccuRender nXt)

Create a solid color material, create a material with a texture, select and place materials from libraries.

Creating and using Materials Video

NxtRender materials video.jpg

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In this Video, Daniel will show you how to create materials and use materials from libraries using nXtRender for AutoCAD.

Create a solid color material, create a material with a texture, select and place materials from libraries.


Basic Materials Tutorial

Download Model

You can download sample models for this video from accustudio.com/workshop/models

Load the model into AutoCAD and launch nXtRender (type nXt)

Materials Tab

Click the double down arrow for materials and you'll see there's a small toolbar. We're going to focus on the first few icons.

You can either create a new material, or load one from an existing source.

Create New Material

Click the down arrow next to little purple sphere there several material choices.

Start with solid color.

Select Solid Color Material.jpg

This brings up the basic material dialog box

Solid Color Material.jpg

Click on the gray or colored square. This brings up the color wheel.

Color space.jpg

Click in the color box you'll see that the material changes in real time.

So you have a general idea with a look like in your model.

Create a Textured Material

Click on the textured icon it brings up a dialog boxes select a bitmap.

Load texture.jpg

Set the Scale of the bitmap.

Set scale.jpg

The scale should reflect the real world size that you need for your bitmap.

Set as Bump Map

Click the Advanced button to load the Advanced Material Editor.

Click the Texture Tab.

Set the Bump Map value to 2.5.

Set bump map.jpg

This will increase the 3D effect of the textured material.

Use Saved or Library Material

Click the Open icon to select a materiel from the disk.

Set bump map.jpg

You can download pre-made materials from nXtRender:


or from AccuStudio.


Download some materials, and select one from the disk.

There are two ways to place materials with nXtRender.

Drag and Drop a Material

Drag a material from the material browser to an object in AutoCAD.

Drag and drop material.jpg

Hover over the object and choose placement by layer or by object.

Placement by layer will assign the material to all objects that are on the layer.

Render Model

After you finish assigning the materials, render a view of te model.

Basic materials rendering.jpg

Let it run for about fifteen passes with daylight presets.

If you happy with the materials,then render any view you like.

See also

nXtRender Add-ons
